Sunday, 27 November 2016

Quick Ways to Make Money | How To Earn Extra Cash From YouTube

How To Earn Extra & Quick money From YouTube.
Hello, Friend in these Days where everyone is busy to generate revenue and become a Freelancer,
You-Tuber and much more. So it is difficult to generate enough Revenue. You are now on YouTube and any other Earning Sites. Let's Take an Example of YouTube where everyone feels very alone at that platform everyone thinking that how to Earn enough money from YouTube so he meets his Expensive. So I'm here to share a Cool Idea with ''You".That How to earn enough money from YouTube.

So Just Following these Simple Steps to make Extra Money with new YouTube Channel in a Month.

Step.1:-After Create a Gmail Account > Sign-In in YouTube > Make a YouTube Channel > Associate it with Google Ad-Sense,

Step-2:- In This Step, first of all, You Select Your Idea about Uploading Video or your Skill, in another word You Chose your Video Topic.

Basic Rules for SEO of Your Video: Upload a video on your YouTube Channel and in Description Section, You need to write 300 Words. Related Videos Title also in Description Box. Give Tags,
Tags are as Much More Important things for SEO of Your Video.
Pick a Title after Searching those words or title at Keyword Planner.

 Step-3:-You give as much time to YouTube because You are new there. Search your topic at Google Keyword Planner. and make 100 Videos about that Topic and Upload. 

If a Video Give one Dollar to you then Think 100 Videos Give You $100 in a Month.

Step-4:- Make 5 Channel that associate with Google Ad-Sense
Every Channel has 100 Videos so it's mean You have 500 Videos on YouTube that's Enable Monetize, and Generate Revenue every Video one Dollar. 

In this way, You generate $500 Dollar in a month From YouTube. 

There is most Searches Topic List:

1-Funny Animals Compilation, Funny Fail, 
2-How to and Style (Education Purpose Videos)
3-Health Fitness and GYM 
4-WWE Raw
5-True Based Stories
6-Technology Based Videos

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